My "back porch" is my kitchen, my favorite room in the house. Come on in, the coffee is fresh, and I just made a pitcher of sweet tea. The cookies will be out in a minute. I have over 40 years of recipes to share with you, along with my opinion on everything. Oh my, you are right, it is cocktail time. What can I get you? Of course I can make you a Mint Julep! Stop by anytime, something is always cooking, and the back door is never locked.

Bon Appetit, Y'all

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healing Our Brokenness- Saints and Scriptures-Sunday

The days are flying by. I feel like I just wrote a post for The Kennedy Adventures Saints and Scriptures Sunday. I so look forward to this each week. I'm back to using my Daily Lenten Reflections - Love that Beckon - Paula D'Arcy, pamphlet. Each day of Lent I have read and studied this. This is a feel good thing. Hope you enjoy.

Healing Our Brokenness

"There is a simple writing exercise that asks the question: What would bring greater peace to my life? When the question is answered honestly the writer inevitably uncovers an inner wisdom. At some level we know why a deeper sense of peace eludes us. We know when and how we betray ourselves. We know the things that strengthen us and those that weaken us. And we know that the responsibility to live from a kinder, deeper love is up to us, and us alone."

"For it is from within, from the human heart," says Jesus, "that evil intentions come" (Mark 7:21).

"It is our task to bring to the things that are broken (in this world, in us) the power to change them. "Come follow me" is not an invitation to a grand adventure. It is an invitation to transform our hearts. Sooner or latter we must see ourselves as we truly are. There are no incidental acts of violence, and no insignificant words of judgement and hate."

Burn in me a heart of love and a sense of responsibility for the birth of love in this world.

Have a blessed week. See you next Sunday for more Saints and Scriptures.

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking of those words, "Come follow me", makes me tear up, because I know I'm SUCH a work in progress, and there's so much left to be done.

    Thank you so much for sharing, and for playing along faithfully!


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